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James Robinson began his career by studying violin making in Cremona, Italy (from 1971) with the renowned masters; GB Morassi, F. Bissolotti, and G.Scarabotto  at the International School of Violinmaking. After finishing, his first violinmaking job was in London, England at Ealing Strings, one of Europe's best violin shops. 

It was also here at this shop where, under the tutelage of

​the renowned bow maker Michael Taylor, he made his

​​​​first violin bow, a baroque bow. While he was in London, he also studied bow making with John Clutterbuck, the ex- Hill bow maker who was the 'J' in J.S. Rameau bows.

Years later (1979), while working  for Paul Schuback in Portland, Oregon, he studied bow making with the renound French bow maker Martin Devillers.

Another opportunity came up in 2017 when he travelled to Boston, MA where he completed a bow making course with the well-known American bow maker, David Hawthorne.






An American by birth, he first came to Australia in 1991,


after graduating from university in Hawaii (University of


Hawaii B.Sc.). He quickly fell in love with the country and


has long been a citizen.


​​​​​​He has won 4 International Awards for making new Instruments(now over 300) including Violin, Viola, and Cello.


A senior member of this trade with more than 50 years of high-level experience in Europe, Asia, North America and Australia, he is now serving clients in Melbourne, Geelong, and all regional areas of Victoria.He also has instruments for sale in Sydney.







Unsolicited Email from an owner of a JW Robinson violin:

From: Antonis Panayotatos

To James Robinson <>

Dated 2024 - 05 - 05



"You may recall or email exchange from 2020 in which I asked about one of your Testore bench copies. I purchased from Metzler in California. My wife and I had a baby shortly after I bought the instrument and I found myself playing less than I wanted to. Recently, however, I've gotten back into the swing of things and am playing more than ever. I just wanted to shoot you a message and let you know just how much I love your instrument. I find it effortless to play because of the size and response and I really think it has made me a better violinist then I'd ever been before. Its aesthetic gets many comments from other violinists, particularly the inked purfling on the back and the unique varnish color. I've tried a variety of strings on it and am really impressed how versatile it is and how I can use it within a quiet ensemble performance or in a full orchestral setting. Really, I can't stress enough how happy I am with it!


I hope all is well, and thanks again for the really wonderful violin."


Antonis Panayotatos



(two more);
































The trade of stringed musical instrument making and restoration is called 'Liuteria' (in Italian) and a (male) violin-maker is called a 'Liutaio'(in Italian). Among the earliest makers was Andrea Amati (1505-1577) who worked in Cremona, Italy from around 1520. Many of the most famous historical violin makers worked in Cremona, Italy.



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